You can’t argue that this new decade has been a challenge no matter where you are in the world. From health crisis, – mental and physical to financial crisis – personal and international.
It has also provided us with an opportunity to rethink what matters to us most. While we are gradually being sucked back into a world where “money matters above all else”, there is still a hope that your personal values can remain strong.
Let’s talk about that. What matters to you most?
Yes money is important because our society is built on its exchange as a form of vital energy, but what else really matters? What if I asked you the question?
What would you do if you never had to work another day just to pay the bills?
Through 1,000’s of conversations, the answer when we really dig deep is, family, friends, love and companionship. That is almost obvious because we are not a species designed to live a solitary life.
It the second level of values where you start to uncover your passions and from passion comes true wealth. Imagine now you have “Enough” money that you don’t have to worried about the basics in life like food and shelter. You even have “more than Enough” so that you can enjoy life with family and friends in a meaningful yet modest way.
Now explore what comes next. Its actual the answer to the question above – how would you spend your TIME? What would you do if you did not have to work?
Some people trigger a fear response at this point, they are scared to express their thoughts and desires for fear of ridicule (blame social media and trolls) and more importantly they fear failure. What if you told someone and they laughed, that’s bad, but what if you ‘tried and failed’ that’s worse. Well only if you see not achieving something you are passionate about, on your first attempt, as failure!
To live a truly wealthy life means that you have the time and the money to choose how you spend your energy. And when you get over the desire to have a very long holiday, and you arrive home bored, that passion you have will emerge. Then life becomes exciting.
Do you want to focus personally, locally or do you have a vision for the planet? Do you want to do something for yourself or your family, like learn a skill, a language, a sport, or do you see a need in the community that you could support now you have more time? Maybe you know there is a better way: to feed the poor, house the homeless, produce and distribute food, even reverse the devastating effects of plastic waste or climate change.
Are you feeling energised yet, maybe empowered to think beyond yourself? If you are then there are four habits that truly wealthy people have that you could easily adopt, starting now.
First is Clarity: once you can see an opportunity for A Wealthy Life this becomes the magnet that pulls you forward to accomplish all you set out to achieve.
Control: is crucial because without taking responsibility for your personal finances, your income and expenditure, then you will never know whether you have Enough, More than Enough or a gaping hole in your finances. This is where you decide to manage your money like a master.
Leveraging your Resources: this skill is pivotal when combined with Control, as it enables you to make more from what you have or can control. This is where the income to free your time is created.
And lastly Legacy: by creating Enough or More than Enough money you become free to make a difference. What difference do you want to make in the world, again at a personal level helping your children or grandchildren, locally in the community or on a global scale. And frankly why limit yourself you can do all three if you want.
Do you feel wealthy? Could you make a difference in the world? What is stopping you?
My website offers a free workbook called The four habits of a truly wealthy life. Please download a copy and start to great your wealthy life today.
Vicki Wusche combines her property investment experience with a talent for wealth strategy and mentoring. As a former university lecturer, 5 times author, international speaker, investor and exponent of A Wealthy Life, Vicki used her experience to combine a unique sets of skills that encompass strategic thinking, business advice, personal coaching and her own investment experience spanning more than 25 years, to add power to her clients lives.