A compelling account of powerful metrics to stay ahead of the curve revealed in ‘Speed Matters’
SINGAPORE, — How do some best-in-class organizations manage to stay ahead of their competitors in this fast-paced business world? How do some futuristic leaders measure speed in their teams and stay speed-savvy?

Dr. Raman K Attri, a performance scientist, an author of 20 books, and a global authority on speed in learning and performance, reveals the answer to these critical business questions in his latest book, Speed Matters.
We live in highly accelerated times where the speed of business creates massive pressure on organizations to deliver technological innovations, a high degree of skill obsolesces among employees, and drives expectations on leaders to adopt changes rapidly. Unduly, long time taken by employees to learn and master new skills could delay the launch of new products, services, or solutions. Dr. Raman notes that “In cutting-edge industries like semiconductor, even a small delay can lead to millions of dollars of lost revenue for the company as well as customers.” Within the last decade, the time to market for products and services has squeezed down from 3 years to 3 months. The customers want newer products or next-generation services faster in their hands. Three years ago, the shelf life of skills was reported to be around 12 to 18 months, which has compressed further during the pandemic when old skills did not hold grounds. Lately, the talent pools have shrunk across the board so severely that it raises a question if employee capabilities alone continue to be a real differentiator for organizations.
The real differentiator now is the speed of developing employees. “Speed of employee development is the only devastating competitive weapon in this fast-moving world, both for professionals and organizations,” says Dr. Raman, the author of the book Speed Matters, based on his two decades of extensive research and corporate experience in tackling complex workforce and business problems.
Deloitte’s study in 2017 with 10000 executives found that speed and agility were far more important to executives to survive than the traditional focus on efficiency. Post-pandemic, organizations are likely to be pressed hard to recover lost revenues, customers, and market and offer new services or solutions to retain their positions at lightning speed before other competitors. Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp, emphasized, “The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.”
The book SPEED MATTERS makes speed the number one priority for business leaders and owners to stay ahead in the competition. A key determinant of that speed is how fast organizations and businesses can build employee capabilities and performance to deliver against those heightened expectations. SPEED MATTERS educates organizational leaders to adopt new metrics called ‘time to proficiency’ as a strategic way to measure and accelerate the speed of employee development.
“Time and speed inherently intrigued me in my personal and professional life,” Dr. Raman explains. While a permanent disability in childhood lost his ability to walk, the adversity and lack set him out to deeply understand the secrets of walking faster in learning and performance. Since then, he has experimented on various methods to accelerate learning, earning two doctorates and over 100 international credentials. Not only that, he has conducted in-depth research on accelerating the speed of professionals and organizations in their journey. SPEED MATTERS is his attempt to create a one-stop portal for forward-thinking leaders and managers to learn the science of organizational speed.

A well-balanced treatment from research and business standpoint, ‘SPEED MATTERS’ is based on massive research conducted over a period of 8 years. The book presents a distilled wisdom derived from 85 world-class leaders with a demonstrated track record of accelerating workforce proficiency. The study involved 70 best-in-class organizations from 7 countries across 40 industries who implemented a speed-enabling culture as the key strategy to accelerate in the market. ‘SPEED MATTERS’ is a must-read business guide for futuristic leaders, executives, CEOs, and managers. With a systematic analysis of 66 rich success stories, the book systematically teaches how to leverage time to proficiency metrics.
This book is the only one in the market that has revealed some alarming figures on time to proficiency metrics, which cannot be ignored. For instance, the book showcased a case study on sales agents selling insurance products at a large financial corporation, showing how one year of average time to proficiency of one agent became a massive problem of 10000 person-years when aggregated over 10000 sales agents. The book develops the premise that a reduction in time should be the first goal of any training program or employee development initiative. The author presents some irrefutable evidence of massive benefits which organizations can derive simply by speeding up teams’ time to proficiency metrics. It gives a strong business case that would help futuristic leaders in gaining a competitive edge. Charles Fred, CEO TrueSpace and author of ‘Breakaway’ vouched in the foreword of the book, “Dr. Attri has shown ample evidence of how reaching proficiency quickly is of direct benefit to the employee and its lasting impact on loyalty, retention, and performance.”
In a nutshell, this book guides leaders, executives, and CEOs with the answers to the following pressing questions:
- How can they go about being “speed-savvy” visionary leaders?
- Why should they focus on developing employee proficiency?
- Why should the speed of employee development matter to them as leaders?
- How are global organizations using the new time to proficiency metrics?
- How alarming is the time to proficiency of workforce in various industries?
- What drives the top leaders to prioritize time to proficiency metrics in their dashboards?
- What tangible business gains can organizations derive from a shorter time to proficiency?
This book aims to help business executives shift their focus from the false impression of speed that comes by pressing for quicker task execution to strive for true speed that is attained by building employee capabilities to deliver performance consistently, reliably, independently, and proficiently. In the end, leaders would adopt a thinking process and framework to implement a speed-enabling ecosystem.