After successfully marketing the first Eurazeo funds open to individual investors, Eurazeo has decided to launch the European Real Estate II ELTIF1 fund. Whilst the unlisted real-estate market has typically been reserved for institutional investors, EERE II ELTIF2 facilitates the investment opportunity for individual investors.
The fund’s strategy is at the crossroad of private equity and real estate. We carry out high-value added real-estate transactions in Europe and provide funding to companies that own and operate their own real estate assets. Our approach enables businesses to further improve and develop their assets.
This fund offers individual investors a distinctive investment strategy in the real-estate sector, along with diversification in a growing asset class, that is known for demonstrating low correlation with financial markets and delivering superior returns in the long run.
This fund is part of a €1 billion investment program where the Group and institutional investors directly invest. EERE II will take a share of each investment made by the Group’s Real Assets team. All investments include non-financial criteria based on Eurazeo’s O+ strategy.
The European Real Estate II fund has been awarded the ELTIF (European Long-Term Investment Fund) label, which means that it can be distributed to non-professional investors throughout Europe, as well as to institutional investors.
Agathe Bubbe, Manager Private Wealth Solutions, said:
“Buoyed by the success of our various investment vehicles through which we make our institutional strategies available to individual investors, today we are launching European Real Estate II ELTIF. Our activities in European real assets, which help companies boost their growth and performance, represent an excellent opportunity for individual investors. With this new program, Eurazeo takes a step further to make its investment strategies accessible to individual investors, and provide clients with solutions intended to diversify their investments in ways that support the real economy.”
“The launch of the European Real Estate II ELTIF fund is an important step for Eurazeo’s Real Assets team. Our successful investments have delivered strong returns for institutional investors, and this new fund for individual investors will channel the savings of French people towards providing long-term funding for companies through direct investments in the French and European real-estate sector. We see the fund as an opportunity to create value and distinguish ourselves in the eyes of individual investors.”
1 Fund managed by EFML.
2 Fund managed by EFML.
Eurazeo is a leading global investment company, with a diversified portfolio of €31 billion in assets under management, including €22 billion on behalf of third parties, invested in over 450 companies. With its considerable private equity, private debt, real estate and infrastructure expertise, Eurazeo accompanies businesses of all sizes, supporting their development through the commitment of its nearly 360 professionals and offering in-depth sector expertise, a gateway to global markets, and a responsible and stable foothold for transformational growth. Its solid institutional and family shareholder base, robust financial structure free of structural debt, and flexible investment horizon enable Eurazeo to support its companies over the long term.
Eurazeo has offices in Paris, New York, London, Frankfurt, Berlin, Milan, Madrid, Luxembourg, Shanghai, Seoul, Singapore and Sao Paulo.
Eurazeo is listed on Euronext Paris.
ISIN: FR0000121121 – Bloomberg: RF FP – Reuters: EURA.PA