Some examples of remunerative work in a sentence, but not the complete one. Remunerative activity is subject to these three points of the provision. If the employee is engaged for more than two of the twelve months of the year in work that is remunerated, then he must be treated as engaged for both the reasons of the contract and also for those of the statute.
The first one, “the employee must be engaged for the purpose of the agreement as engaged in certain work”, means that he must be paid at least for that time as remunerated. The second, “if his hours of employment vary, then he must be engaged for at least, on average, 16 hours a week”, means that he must be paid for less than a week. And, lastly, if his hours of employment do not vary, then they must be at the same rate throughout the year.
The three main types of remuneration in any case are determined by the nature of the work itself and the place where it is performed. The nature of the work will determine whether remuneration will depend on the hour of work. For instance, in the case of factory work, the amount to be paid in remuneration depends upon how many hours of the day are spent in the factory and how much a worker earns for each hour of working.
Similarly, the nature of the place of work determines remuneration from the place of residence. If the worker is staying at home, he will generally get more remuneration than he would in the factory or office. In the other cases, remuneration depends upon the location of the employer and on the actual amount of the work.
A few rules of thumb can be helpful when deciding the kind of remuneration to be paid. If the employee has to stay in a dormitory in the university and therefore does not get regular work, then he will have to work on his own. On the other hand, if the employee has to work as a clerk at the factory, the employer will give him a piece of cake in order to get some kind of remuneration. if the work is tedious or boring, then the employer will pay him very little.
On the other hand, if the employee is doing very difficult work, then the employer may pay him more than if the work is very simple. Even a job where the only difference between his salary and that of the assistant is his length of working hours may earn him more than the salary of the other employees.
Remuneration also depends on how long the contract is, how much experience the employee has, and how much work he will perform in a year. A worker with a very good education will get more remuneration than an employee with less knowledge.
If there are children in the family and the employer wants to pay more for them than for their parents, then remuneration will depend on the length of the contract. However, the amount of the payment depends on the age of the children.
If the child’s earnings will help the family survive, then more will be paid as a reward. But if the earning power of the child is small and the money goes to someone else, then the compensation will be reduced.
The reason for remuneration being lower than it is for others is that the employer pays his employees in such a way that they get to know that they are being taken care of. In other words, they feel that they have a right to make the employer feel proud and this helps them to work hard even if the earning capacity of the employee is low.
Some people may earn more than others due to their good work habits. If they do not make mistakes but they do a good job, then they will also get more than people who make mistakes. They also have good relations with the boss.
It is true that the rate of salary that employees receive depends on their position and on the length of their service to the company. But it is also true that employees who get less work are paid less than those who get more. Therefore, it is necessary to look at all these factors before deciding on a remunerative salary.