Energy Assets has achieved accreditation to provide Half-Hourly (HH) Data Collection and Data Aggregation (DCDA) services direct to its growing customer base of suppliers, brokers and end users across Britain’s industrial and commercial (I&C) market.
The company, a leader in energy metering and analytics, has gained Elexon Performance Assurance Board (PAB) approval ahead of the Ofgem-mandated Market-wide Half-Hourly settlement (MWHH) reform planned for implementation before 2025 as part of the government’s transition to Net Zero.
“Half hourly meter reads enable businesses and public service organisations to collect and analyse consumption data in granular detail, which means they are better placed to optimise energy performance, bear down on cost and reduce their carbon footprint,” says David Sing, Energy Assets Group Managing Director (Assets).
“More than this, though, MWHH reform will likely transform the energy landscape for all the I&C sector as this will now include smaller non-domestic customers which had previously been excluded from HH settlement. For example, suppliers will be able to analyse HH settlement data to create customised ‘time-of-use’ tariffs that reflect the consumption profiles of I&C users or manage loads more effectively by incentivising a shift in demand from peak times.
“For Energy Assets, our new HH accreditation positions us strongly to be part of this emerging and more competitive energy landscape.”
Energy Assets currently provides HH services via a third party. Bringing this capability in-house will assure data flow security and enable greater innovation in the ‘end-to-end’ metering, monitoring and analytics service it offers customers. This includes extracting value from HH data through advanced energy management portals and applying machine learning to optimise energy performance in buildings.
Said Stewart Love, Group Commercial Director at Energy Assets: “The PAB HH accreditation means we can bring a new dynamic to the DCDA marketplace, challenge established players and create value for existing customers and many thousands more organisations operating in the I&C sector. It significantly enhances the totality and flexibility of our metering services and data offer.”
Energy Assets is one of the country’s leading independent meter asset managers, meter operators and providers of automated meter reading systems. The Group’s vertical business model also spans utility construction, local network ownership and data services, offering customers multiple touchpoints across the energy landscape.
Photo: Energy Assets energy data analytics dashboard